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Shandong Heavy Industry Group held an economic operation analysis meeting in the first half of 2024
Data:2024-07-26    Source:SINOTRUK     Pv:

On July 26, Shandong Heavy Industry Group held an economic operation analysis meeting for the first half of 2024 to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Shandong, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, scientifically analyze the economic operation of the group in the first half of the year and the current situation, summarize the work, clarify the ideas, clarify the tasks, make careful arrangements, and study the next steps in a targeted manner, and unswervingly promote the full completion of various goals and tasks. Party Secretary and Chairman Man Shengang attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Man Shengang pointed out that in the first half of this year, under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and with the joint efforts of all cadres and employees, the group effectively overcame a series of difficulties and problems, and promoted various business operations to achieve remarkable results. Revenue, profit, and exports all achieved double-digit growth, and the overall situation showed a good trend of "continuous improvement in operating quality, full efforts in overseas markets, accelerated release of innovation momentum, and significant improvement in competitive advantages". Weichai successfully developed the world's first diesel engine with a body thermal efficiency exceeding 53.09%, ranking first in the first batch of "Top Ten Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements" of provincial enterprises released by the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

Man Shengang emphasized that standing at a new historical starting point, we must maintain strategic determination, enhance systematic thinking, establish a long-term vision, seize all favorable opportunities, use all favorable conditions, and respond to all risks and challenges, so as to promote Shandong Heavy Industry's work to a new level and create a new situation, and make new and greater contributions to writing a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Shandong. We must always focus on "one overall goal": focus on the main business, draw a blueprint to the end, never slack off, always stand at the forefront, and always strive for the first place, firmly shoulder the mission of "walking in the front and taking the lead", and strive to build a world-class high-end equipment multinational group with leading technology, green development, and world-class. Firmly build "four hard strengths": build hard strength of performance with leading quality and efficiency, hard strength of market leading in the industry, hard strength of self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, and hard strength of synergy that goes hand in hand. Continue to improve "four soft strengths": improve the soft strength of group management and control, soft strength of team building, soft strength of corporate culture, and soft strength of brand matrix.

Man Shengang required that in the second half of the year, we must keep a close eye on the annual goals and tasks and promote the continuous improvement of all work. We must seize the market, compete for market share, and expand space, and continuously improve the differentiated competitiveness of products, services, and business models to ensure that market share continues to increase; we must stabilize exports, increase volume, and create brands, advance layout, coordinate overseas expansion, and rush to the forefront to deeply tap the strategic growth of overseas markets; we must focus on innovation, strengthen investment, and improve capacity, comprehensively benchmark against world-class companies, continue to increase R&D investment, and strive to build a high-level collaborative innovation system to create an innovative ecology that connects the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and integrates production, education, and research; we must focus on integration, optimize layout, and promote upgrading, further focus on the main responsibilities and main business, and continue to promote the group's various advantageous resources and high-quality assets to concentrate on the main business of high-end equipment manufacturing and new quality productivity; we must focus on reform, make up for shortcomings, and stimulate vitality, solidly implement the deepening and improvement of state-owned enterprise reform, and continuously improve the modern corporate governance of state-owned enterprises with Chinese characteristics; we must prevent risks, keep the bottom line, and ensure safety, coordinate the promotion of high-quality development and high-level safety, and resolutely guard the "bottom line of one row".

Man Shengang emphasized that it is necessary to take the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee as the primary political task at present and in the future. In accordance with the unified deployment requirements, we should carry out study and discussion in a down-to-earth manner, promote publicity and teaching extensively, and ensure that the spirit of the plenary session is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. We should strengthen the political construction of the Party, strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations, strengthen the construction of the cadre team, strengthen the construction of clean heavy industry, continue to improve the comprehensive and strict party governance system of the group, comprehensively and systematically improve the quality of party building, and better play the leading and guaranteeing role of high-quality party building in high-quality development.

Wang Zhijian, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager, reported on the group's operating conditions in the first half of the year and the goals and tasks for the second half of the year. Ye Jianjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and director, presided over the meeting. The main responsible persons of the six second-level companies reported in turn on the completion of the indicators in the first half of the year, the main problems and the next steps. The middle-level and above leading cadres of the group headquarters and the leadership teams of each second-level company attended the meeting on site.

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Add.: Heavy Truck Mansion, No.01 Dawei East Road, Tianqiao District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China

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