Shacman F3000 F2000 H3000 X3000 DELONG Brake Chamber 81504106608
  • Specification

The action of the brake gas chamber is to convert the pressure of the compressed air to the mechanical force of the brake camshaft rotation to achieve braking operation. The brake gas chamber is a clamp clamping film. Before, the rear dynamic chamber size is different, but its structure is basically the same.


When the automobile brake, the air enters the brake gas chamber from the air inlet, which causes the diaphragm to deform, push the push rod, and drive the brake adjustment arm, and rotate the brake shoe. Press the brake to generate braking.

The braking force of the diaphragm gas chamber push rod is proportional to the input air pressure; the parking brake duct is a brake device using spring energy storage. Inflatable pressure enters the pressure chamber from 12 ports, generating the force acting on the piston, when the pressure is greater than 0.65 MPa, the force acting on the piston is greater than the preload of the spring, the piston is up to the limit, the brake release; if the pressure branch When the gas is complete, the spring pushes the piston downward, push the main brake push rod to generate braking, braking strength is related to the spring preload; when the pressure air chamber air pressure is below 0.65 MPa, the branch chamber generates the braking force and the air pressure value into an inverse ratio Therefore, emergency braking can be implemented.


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