SHACMAN Truck F2000 F3000 M3000 X3000 Main Bearing
  • Specification

In the new bearing into the seat, the upper and lower two pieces should be 0.03-0.05mm above each end. To ensure that the shaft tiles are closely fit to the seat, improve the heat dissipation.

The experience of the leased watt is: install the shaft watt, install the shaft watt, tighten the bolt according to the specified force torque value, and insert a thickness of 0.05 mm between the other end cover and the shaft tile plane, when screwing the end bolt torque When it reaches 10-20n · m, if the gasket can be pumped, it will illustrate that the bearing is too long, and the end of the non-positioned tutor should be low; if the gasket can take out, the shaft tile is suitable; if not screwed to the specified torque The value of the gasket can't be pumped, indicating that the shaft is short and should be re-selected.


After the new shaft watter is placed on the shaft tile, the radius of curvature of the shaft tile is larger than the radius of curvature of the seat hole. When the shaft tile is contained in the seat hole, the elastic force can be bonded to the bearing seat hole is closely fit to facilitate heat dissipation. Check the shaft, there is no mute, knocking on the back of the shaft, there is a matte, and the alloy is not strong and the bottom plate is not strong.

The fitting gap of the shaft tile adapter should be properly broadcast

When the shaft is selected, the gap must be checked. When checking, the amount of the cylinder table and the tissue measuring the shaft and the journal are used, which is the gap. The inspection method for the mating gap of the shaft tile is: for the connecting rod, coated a thinner oil on the shaft tile, put the link on the respective journal, tighten the bolt according to the specified torque value, then use the hand to move the link, can rotate 1 ~ 1/2, pull the link in the axial direction, no gap feel, that is, the requirements; for the crankshaft, it is applied to the surface of each journal, and the crankshaft is applied according to the specified force torque tightening bolts. The crankshaft is pulled, and the crankshaft can rotate 1/2 loop, and the light is rotated, and the homogeneous no block is suitable.


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